They’ve been friends a long time. Recently worked together. Both family men now supposedly settled down. But not quite. Several times a week, very late at night, they’d call up for room service together. Oh no, not for food, but for a certain kind of massage. Like…together. They’d get off on it together. Literally. Apparently

they’ve been doing this for years. It’s how they bond. Some dudes like beer. These dudes like the hand and mouth special. Lately it hasn’t happened often enough – schedules, kids, etc. Needless to say, when the opportunity presented itself, they made up for lost time.Problem: one of the wives found out. Is now threatening to tell the other. Almost like blackmail. She wants them to stop hanging out AND she wants the friend to find her husband a replacement gig to make up for the one he’ll lose if she makes him pull out of their next collaboration. Hollywood wives can wheel and deal, see? But she’s been placated before. He’s waiting for the rage to go down, and then he’ll buy her off again. A break from the bro massage until then.
* Update July 29 - Lainey has eliminated
Casey/Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck/Joaquin Phoenix, Sean Penn/Josh Brolin, Tom Cruise/Ben Stiller, Lance Armstrong/Matthew McConaughey, Matt Damon/Ben Affleck, Tom Cruise/Will Smith, Tom Cruise/John Travolta, Brad Pitt/Sean Penn, Keith Urban/Brad Paisley, Jude Law/Ewan McGregor, Pete Wentz/Joel Madden, Leonardo DiCaprio/Tobey Maguire, Hugh Jackman/Liev Schreiber, Judd Apatow/Adam Sandler, Adam Sandler/Rob Schneider, Will Ferrell/anyone, Wayans Brothers, Vince Vaughn & Jon Favreau.
Top guess:
Chris Rock & Adam Sandler
is it too obvious to say ben affleck and matt damon?
The labels on this item on the Lainey Blinds site say Judd Apatow & Adam Sandler.
it has to be affleck/damon
She ruled out Affleck/Damon today. I'm going for Sandler and Apatow. They have a movie coming out this summmer.
I saw the Sandler/Apatow label on Lainey Blinds too, but I'm wondering where they get that from?
Thought Matt/Ben at first but yeha way too obvious. Totally possibel it's Apatow/Sandler
what do you mean, yyou saw the labels? i'm new here. thanks ;o)
I don't think it is Apatow/Sandler-I don't think Leslie Mann would be that upset; if it is, the wife needing to be placated would be Adam Sandler's wife.
Hmmm...according to IMDB, both Sandler and Apatow have about 6 movies lined up, none of which are together. Back to the drawing board!
So why DO the labels (little notes following the item, Colleen) say Apatow & Sandler? Is that the guess of whoever runs Lainey Blinds?
I do say labels on the blind with the names Apatow & Sandler. Hmm.
Anyway, two more eliminations today:
PPS. The GMD and Ben Stiller are not enjoying Bro Massages. Also not Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey.
meant to say I don't see those labels. Where do y'all see them?
Paul Rudd and Jason Segal?
My first thought was Sean Penn & Josh Brolin. Milk counts as recently working together, right?
Tom Cruise and Will Smith!
Lance and Matt....
Today she says not Tom Cruise and John Travolta; not Tom Cruise and Will Smith.
On her twitter she says
"Not Brad and George getting bro massaged."
There was something on Perez Hilton today about Sean Penn pulling out of 2 movies to spend more time with his family...
Maybe Ben Affleck and Kevin Smith?
If ppl are emailing her to guess the adam sandler link and she is not ruling it out, wouldnt that say something? I ask this because antime I guess, it's answered don her site the very next day.
i don't understand -- are they massaging each other or getting massaged around each other?
@Green Girl
lol, srsly?
One is getting a hj, the other a bj.
She eliminated Adam Sandler and Judd Apatow today.
NOOOO!!! Great. Now I have no guesses left.
But she did say that Apatow/Sandler were "closer"
Is it Judd Apatow and Paul Rudd?
I was wondering if it were Apatow and Rudd also once she said Apataow and Sandler was closer...
Apatow and... Rudd.
Clue from Twitter:
Last night's Bro Massage clue: two funny guys who worked together on a legendary variety show.
So it must be someone from SNL. I was thinking Adam Sandler and Norm MacDonald, but I'm not sure if Norm is married.
Sandler and....gosh who's that guy who is always in his movies? Rob Schneider?
I think its Adam Sandler and Norm MacDonald, they did Funny People and are scheduled to work together on another called Grown Ups...Norm & Adam?? EWE (I'll tweet her and ask)
Lainey evidently revealed this to be Adam Sandler and Chris Rock at the smut soiree.
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