Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NYDN Gatecrasher - 5.6.09

New York Daily News Gatecrasher today:

WICKED WHISPERS: Which very taken Oscar winner has been sending lots of flowers to a pretty fashion publicist?


Softball Scout said...

liam neeson!

The Rowley's said...

Sean Penn?

Unknown said...

that was a joke, right margo?

alexis martin said...

oooh, not funny!

crila16 said...

Not cool or funny at all.

Softball Scout said...

not at joke at all, actually. he's currently starring in "taken" and could easily be starting to see someone or take an interest in getting his feet wet in the pool again.

not meant to be distasteful, AT ALL.

FrenchGirl said...

margo,liam neeson never won Oscar!

Anonymous said...

Denzel? Tom Hanks? ... they've both been married to their wives for over 20 years, which i'd say is "very taken" and they've both won multiple oscars...

Softball Scout said...

then i stand absolutely corrected. i thought he got one for schindler's list.

REALLY never meant for this to be offensive.

FrenchGirl said...

margo,me i don't care! even if he was Liam Neeson,it's his life!

blurry vice said...

Disagree on Liam Neeson for sure. Let's drop him from the topic. Moving on...
