Unpaid Bills
You’d think they’d be liquid, you know? Flush from the funds of so many different projects, across so many different mediums, by so many different sources.
But that’s the thing with celebrities. They’re richer than we are, to be sure, but some of them really aren’t THAT rich, especially when you factor in the lifestyle. Being not that rich isn’t a problem. Being not that rich and not paying your bills is a big problem. Being not that rich, not paying your bills, but still spending your balls off is a huge problem.
So they have projects around the house. Some construction here, some wiring there, installations, renovations...it never stops. It never stops because they keep having to hire new people. Inevitably the invoice will arrive, they won’t be able to pay it, so they end up calling someone else to finish the job. They don’t pay those people either.
How f&cking ghetto, non???
Like people who keep taking out credit card after credit card? Only these assholes are wealthy! They have jobs! They earn celebrity salaries!
Which means they’re too stupid to manage their finances and too cheap to figure out their finances before satisfying their non-urgent, vanity-motivated projects at the expense, literally, of labourers and small business owners who trusted the wrong millionaires.
Slowly but surely, they’ve pretty much exhausted the entire contracting community in town, verging on blacklist, and are now several hundred thousand dollars in the hole to several companies in Hollywood. Word is they’re facing legal action, and even a lien on their property...
Probably the reason behind the new round of exploitation. They need the cash.
But do we still care?
A few years ago, before everyone and their eyebrow stylist had a reality show, it was a novel concept. Now? Now they’re totally almost irrelevant – the proof in that lies in a deal one of them tried to strike with the paps recently.
She needed cash so badly, she arranged for some “candids” in exchange for a few quid. Unfortunately her images weren’t selling and the photographers cut her off.
Word is, even Phoebe Price out-earns her...
In this economy, how will they ever recover?
* Update Aug 8 - Lainey has eliminated Tori Spelling & Dean, The Beckhams, Courtney Cox, Mel B, Katherine Heigl, Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner, Pam Anderson.
* Top suspects: On 8/27 Lainey has hinted that this is The Osbournes.
torri spelling. She had an article yesturday about signing autographs for $20 a pop at a cheap airport hotel full of other ex-celebs
OOoo, yes i totally agree, and they have had a few reality shows and now no one cares about them. Haha that what you get when you abandon your children from your first marriage, he already has a daughter!! Dick bag.
Are you sure? I don't doubt those two live beyond their means, but the "quid" wording made me think it is someone British.
Jordan and Peter Andre?
Pam Anderson. Totally. New show, house reno, paid by British paps. totally
her smutty tingles says something about jude law now and sadie's frost owing huge amounts of cash on account of it going under...
the Osbournes?
I was thinking Denise Richards
Other sites guessing Osbornes, Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee, ruled out JLo (home is in NY) and of course Tori.
The "quid" reference does seem to point to a British couple living in LA but the "ghetto" thing struck me more. There are 2 women she constantly refers to as SO GHETTO: Tara Reid (not her, she's not a couple), Pam Anderson (totally could be her for the reasons Anon lists above BUT she is not a "they" as in couple), and Tori Spelling. I'm leaning to Tori because of the recent articles of their hard core 'pimping' of themselves - including multiple articles about her new daughter - his FIRST (not!). Lainey had a recent post that said:
"Tori Spelling and that golddigging piece of sh*t she married are promoting a new season of their dumbass reality show. Apparently neither can get booked on the regular publicity circuit. As such, they’ve had to resort to this: hiring a planeto do that sky-writing business … see attached.
How F&CKING GHETTO!!! Does it get any more ghetto??? What is she like a car salesman now?"
In another post about Pam selling her furnishings, Lainey asks whether Pam will give proceeds to charity as Tori definitely did not.
The Phoebe Price clue could be that Phoebe famously carries around her dog with her everywhere she goes as Tori always did before her dog passed away (another thing she sold to all the tabloids that would listen) and they are both considered kind of the same type of star (not attractive, loves the paps, etc).
Sorry for the long post above, I get to writing and then don't realize how long it was...anyway, here's an excerpt of the first ep. description of Tori & Dean's new reality show: "Tori's health issues delay the house renovations."
Tori & hubby eliminated...
I guess it could be Pam A since she and tommy lee are back together.
Definitely the Osbournes!
Well don't I feel the fool. Haha....
Just found on old article on E from Oct '07:
"A Studio City, California, design store sued Sharon Osbourne for breach of contract, fraud and deceit Thursday, claiming that she never paid for a $26,000 custom-made bed that was delivered to her family's home earlier this month"
Could be on to something.....
The Osbournes are worth $220 MILLION... not them.
It's Pam and Tommy... the quid reference may be that she's from BRITISH Columbia or that she just got paid to be on the Australia Big Brother.
I'd believe Pam and Tommy Lee more than the Osbournes for this one.
It's definitely a couple now - Lainey has eliminated two couples.
What about JLo/Mark Anthony? Check out this blog:
They've been in Europe (quid ref) lately with random "candids" popping up here and there.
And she's been sued before for non payments (private jet co.) & it was reported her People 'twin issue' sold well under expected.
Nevermind I just caught up reading on Lainey's site - she elims JLo. She does infer though that it may be Kate Beckinsale or Eva Longoria.
After doing some research, I think it's Longoria/Parker. That woman has her fingers in so many pies that it does look like desperation. She has more modeling/spokeswhore contracts than fingers. And between the two of them, they hit a lot of media. Interesting that she's supposed to open a nightclub/restaurant with Victoria Beckham. You know that won't be cheap!
Lainey eliminated the Cox-Arquettes today.
but, it seems she is saying this couple had/has a reality show. Eva L does not.
Could "eyebrow stylist" be a clue? One episode in Season Two of the Osbournes had Jack getting his eyebrows waxed...
- dragongirl
Pam's new house is in the 4TH YEAR of construction! I'm in the industry and I know from experience that Pam's dream home shouldn't be taking that long, especially if one has the cash to get things done. Although she is both demanding and completely indecisive, which can stall the process, money talks (in the design & construction industry especially).
However, Katie and Peter are a good guess too, but I don't have any knowledge about any ongoing construction projects with those two.
I concur with the Eva Longoria/Tony Parker guess!!!
Thanks, blurry! I don't think there has been a reality show, I just think she's saying that nobody's interested in them anymore. And ELP is completely overexposed. You can smell the desperation. Pam's four-year construction project raises flags, but Lainey's talking about a bona fide couple. I immediately thought of Katie/Peter, too, but no one's ever cared about them here. Although they're always dragging out poor Harvey for photo ops.
I think the reality show comment is a DIRECT clue that they are on a show now or had one, or are trying to negotiate one. Pam A has just premiered hers. always a mark of a near-broke has-been celeb - I think its her. also, ELP does not strike me as a near-broke couple, and is there any evidence they are renovating for a long time? I dont think so. Also, he has been an NBA player for a while, and she is on a hit show....I find it hard to believe they are short on cash. whatever you say about ELP, she's well known to be a very hard worker in Hollywood and not as ditzy or irresponsible and this BV seems to be.
Tony Parker has a $50 million contract and is signed with Nike. I would be surprised if it was them.
Vanessa Minillo & Nick Lachey
Good one!
How about Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry?
Does Vanessa Minillo have a job?
OK she just "not"-d Pam...
Nick and Vanessa maybe? Neither of them seem to do much.
did she elim Pam A? she said "filthy scab".....yea I guess that is her. are we sure?
yep that is what she calls her.
I'm not giving up on my ELP/Tony Parker guess just yet. And I still like Katie & Peter for this--I think they came over JUST to get a reality show.
Lainey says they got bank but have no idea how to manage it. I'd be surprised if Phoebe Price outearns ELP. But not Katie. I can't see Vanessa/Nick in this (although I wouldn't be surprised) because they don't do anything but go on vacation. Neither of them seems to have a job.
Good point, Boss Bunny, about separating "rich" from "managing finances well"....what about Paris Hilton/Benji Madden....but specifically Paris. She bought a new $7mil mansion in Sept 2007 and it was reported that she was going to immediately start remodeling it. Lately whenever I've seen posts of Paris on gossip sites, most of them usually mention that no one cares about Paris anymore. Paris would fit the profile of different projects across different mediums. Vanity projects? She's trying to find a new BFF via a reality show that continues to get pushed back in production (for example, people not showing up to even audition). And I wouldn't put it pass Paris to not care about the 'lil folk/workers and pay them. Didn't her own mother famously say something to the effect that they are not like the commoners?
had a reality show, it was a novel concept...
Simple Life. It could be Paris & Benjie.
Brittney Gastineau - she was on a reality show...
I would guess Jordan~aka Katie Price and Peter Andre. They are pretty trashy looking and I can't believe they have much money and I think they did have a reality show on E or at least a deal of sorts in the works.
How about Janet Jackson and Jermaine Dupris? She's been holding auditions for a new reality show and I saw mention that Jermaine is being sued for non-payment to employees and creditors of a restaurant he owned in Atlanta that went belly up. Her last CD also went bust and no one seems interested anymore...
Excellent, melly! Even better than my faves (ELP & Tony Parker/Katie and Peter). I think you got it.
Lainey has just hinted the answer on "Smutty Tingles" For a Kelly Osbourne link she calls it a "Debt Collectors Beat Down?".......Has to be the Osbournes! Wow! What happened to all their $$$'s??????
Ok I am pretty sure that this refers to the Osbournes, today Lainey has a link to a storey about Kelly Osbourne and she has a nasty black eye and the link is entitled "Debt collection beat-down?"
Yeah, WOW! I agree she's pointing us to the Osbournes...but what DID happen to their money? I assume they're paid in pounds vs. dollars and the pound is so much stronger than our dollar....idiots!
Definitely the Osbournes after today's Smutty Tinles...
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