Sunday, December 11, 2011

Blind Vice: Brucey's Juicy Double Life!

New BV from Ted on Fri Dec 9.  A newcomer! -

Blind Vice: Brucey's Juicy Double Life!

Brucey Huskers is a gorgeous star. Brucey's hot. Brucey has a super-bitchin', manly body. Brucey hangs with other equally luscious-lookin' Tinseltown (and Blind Vice star) celebrities, who he's gotten mucho intimate with.
So, why is Brucey having trouble getting some lovin' lately?

Oh, wait. That rumor that he's not getting any since his big Hollywood split turns out to be...
Just that, a rumor!
"Don't you realize that this explains everything a little bit more clearly?" said one of the dudes who hangs thisclose alongside the humpy celebrity, who's gone back to getting it on with guys (something he did before his latest sexy starlet romance), since his latest publicized romance went sour.
"Ever stop to think why these 'relationships' of his don't last," asked Brucey's equally handsome bud, rhetorically. "Only a guy who's into guys would go out with the women this guy's gone out with," bitched the Huskers hanger-on.
Now, if you're able to follow the logic here, it pretty much makes sense: Brucey hooks up with Hollywood gals who are gorgeous but who he knows he has zilcho in common with. Everyone's shocked when it doesn't work out, as both parties are almost always super hot! Leaving the public breathless and waiting for the next hetero hook-up.
So, what gives?
Just that Brucey wants to keep getting in on with the guys even though he tells even himself it's the chickers he's really wanting.
Uh, so not the case.
But, Brucey will be the last to know this.
AND IT AIN'T: Ashton Kutcher, Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen
Update 12/17/11 - Ted has eliminated Ashton Kutcher, Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen, Ryan Gosling, Derek Jeter

Top suspect: Kris Humphries


blurry vice said...

I am just getting caught up for the week so I don't know about any hints Ted has dropped etc.
I was reading this thinking Ryan Gosling, since he doesn't have a BV yet and I know it's gotta be coming soon! But hmmm... have to think of our other options. Ryan Reynolds?

I just saw that a lot of guesses on the comments on E are for Bradley Cooper and George Clooney. But... they already have BVs, remember? Those who already have BV nicknames can not have a new one unless theirs is revealed.

giovanealex said...

Ryan Reynolds was married for more 2 years, so I guess he does not fit. Ted constantly says that Ryan Gosling is truly straight, so I guess this is not the case too. I am not good on the game, so I don't have any idea of whom it could be.

Anonymous said...

this sounds like Ryan Gosling.

BP said...

I don't think it's either Ryan because they are both in relationships (Eva Mendes and Blake Lively) right now. I found a list online of 2011 breakups and the best guess I could come up with was Bradley Cooper, but he already has a BV. Although if he was New Guy is that a BV name since he was a supporting player?

sistah2 said...

This is a good one!

Jessica said...

The first person who came to mind for this was Ryan Gosling, but I really don't want this to be him!

FrenchGirl said...

noi f***ing idea since Cooper,Clooney or Dicaprio yet have blind vices and the usual suspects are "ain't"

and Gosling and Reynolds have a girlfriend actually

Anonymous said...

Gosling and Mendes are not a couple. they're just being photo'd together to generate interest in that movie they're both in.

BalmCakes Bakery said...

Ryan Gosling seems to fit Especially with references to his hotness and Teds thoughts on who should have been named sexiest man alive, however his big Hollywood breakup surely is Rachel McAdams which was 2/3 years ago which I wouldn't say is so recent that there is any questions about him not "getting any" ??

The questionable ladies I would say were Blake Lively and Eva Mendes - both seem to be all for publicity.

I'm trying to link the AIAs together - they all either divorced or seperated from wives this year and have also all appeared on two and a half men do maybe someone who divorced?

It could be either Ryan tbh!

mags said...

I hope it's Bradley Cooper.

NYCGirl said...

This is vague! The only thing I can think of that might be a clue is the use of the word "case" towards the end...maybe he played a lawyer?

Katie said...

Really vague. The "big breakup" could have been anytime in the past year or two, really. No clues yet as to whether this "gorgeous star" is movies, TV, music, sports... A-list, B-list, C-list... we need more to go on.

I know it is tempting to go with one of the Ryans, but I think RR is clearly getting some. Gosling, maybe!

Garrett Hedlund? Penn Badgley? Adam Levine?

Anonymous said...

Today's morning mail eliminates Ryan Gosling, and says Brucey is on TV and one other category that's not movies or music. So maybe an athlete who's been on a tv - maybe a reality show? For some reason Doug Reinhardt comes to mind. He dated Paris Hilton for a long time and they broke up last year, and he made guest appearances on the Hills quite a bit when he was dating Lauren Conrad.

Megley said...

Dear Ted:
Brucey Huskers has to be Ryan Gosling. I can't think of who else it could be. Even you have said that he still hasn't really moved on from Rachel McAdams and it has been mentioned that his current fling, Eva Mendes, might be a fauxmance.
—Dollie Hendrix

Dear Dollie Golly:
I said Ryan and Eva have their pr faux moments, but, for the most part, this romance is super real. So, Brucey so ain't Ryan.

Dear Ted:
Ooooh this Blind Vice is tough. Any clue as to whether Brucey is TV, movies or music?

Dear Not So Tough:
TV and another category you're not even asking me about!

BalmCakes Bakery said...

Could this be Derek Hough? Known for TV but dancing, questionable links (Cheryl Cole, Lauren Conrad, Nicole

I don't know alot about him over in UK has he had a significant breakup?

Also the Not so tough in teds response above - tough/Hough (am I clutching at straws here!)

Katie said...

Wow, now I am really thinking this is Kris Humphries. The Kim K / Carmelita blind alludes to this. Which is kinda sad, because that means that Ted IS shilling on behalf of the Kardassians.

FrenchGirl said...

if Brucey is Kris Humphries,his trouble is not to be gay(or bisexual).His trouble is that his marriage with Kim K never would work because they're too different and had nothing in common

crila16 said...

This is Leo DiCaprio. My friend used to work for him. Years ago, my friend told me about an "Incident" between Leo and 2 young guys in his hotel room. Leo told him he'd better keep his mouth shut. He didn't apparently.

Cami said...

It can't be Leo, cause he is King Schlong. I also doubt this is Humphries, since Brucey is described as "gorgeous", "hot" and with "a super-bitchin', manly body". Ahhh I'm SO curious...

Sheba said...

crila16 Leo is topsuspect for king schlong who's supposed to be bi. Brucey Huskers is someone known from tv and something else that isn't movies or music. Maybe he's an athlete. Although if your info is really through and not just gossip I finally have an answer to another blind no monniker)from years ago where I thought it was leo so thank you.

pikespeak said...

"This is Leo DiCaprio. My friend used to work for him. Years ago, my friend told me about an "Incident" between Leo and 2 young guys in his hotel room. Leo told him he'd better keep his mouth shut. He didn't apparently."

He better keep his mouth shut or what? What is Leo going to do?

At any rate, I don't think this blind his him, nor Gosling.

This one is a headscratcher.

PrincessTiff said...

I was thinking Bradley Cooper until it was pointed out he already has a BV.

BlahBlahBlah said...

I thought Matthew Mcconaughey - friends with jake gyllenhaal, abtastic. is he still with that model?

Anonymous said...

Matthew McConaughey is still with Camilla Alves as far as I know. I think we are looking for someone single. It sounds like Brucey ended a romance with a starlet and has been single for a little while - hence the rumors that hes not getting any. Except that he IS getting it from guys. What about A-Rod? His split with Cameron Diaz was a while ago and he hasn't been linked to anyone since. He was also linked to Madonna and Kate Hudson which could be the other BV stars hes been "mucho" intimate with. Maybe the word mucho is a hint towards Latino ethnicity?

iheartgoss said...

Mario Lopez? All though I'm not sure what his other talent would be. Derek Hough is a great guess since he's on TV and I feel like Ted is alluding to a non-typical other talent, like ballroom dancing. Also he does date these beautiful girls and he's really not that cute.

Savannah said...

What about Matthew Morrison? Hot bod, short-term Hollywood romances, on a very popular show Ted's obsessed with. Famous for being on TV and Broadway.
Chord Overstreet?
Sebastian Stan?

Clues: "Huskers" and "chickers" Huskers could be a clue for corn? Maybe Bruce is from Nebraska?

Kate said...

Ryan Seacrest

iheartgoss said...

Isn't Ryan still with Julianne Hough?

Anonymous said...

Ted C just notted Ryan Gosling (whom he's said in the past "isn't entirely gay but isn't entirely straight either")

since he said Bruce Huskers has done TV i'm thinking all signs point to Ryan Reynolds.

pikespeak said...

Ted C said that about Gosling, mookie?

Michelle said...

I like the Matthew Morrison guess considering he said it was something other than movies and music. I think Ted would think reality is TV so it would have to be something like a sports person who became an actor or did a reality show, Matthew who has done a ton of broadway shows before Glee or someone like Derek Hough who is TV with DWTS and also a professional dancer

Michelle said...

Its definitely not either of the Ryans, 1) they have both done movies - this person hasn't and 2) they were both with Blake Lively, and todays BB said Bruce and Veronica don't know eachother

Jackie DuPlante said...

I think Brucey may be a sports star who is also on television, because Ted has been talking a lot about sports Vices lately. He mentions that the guy is "humpy" and in the last Carnelita Vice he said everyone suspected that her guy was gay, leading me to believe that this is Kris Humphries!! His nickname is Hump (E! mentioned it a while ago) and everyone on the website is trying hard to make Kim seem like a victim right now because her popularity has fallen a ton since her wedding. Also, he and Kim have nothing in common, she obviously thinks he's hot (even though I don't at all) and their relationship was highly publicized. I think Ted will try to be really obvious if it is Kris, so I'll try asking if he's ever been a supporting player in a Vice before or if he plays a sport.. Anyone else think I could be right??

NYCGirl said...

Derek Jeter is an interesting guess, but he hasn't been on TV. (In the acting sense, anyway.)

Elizabeth said...

Not Kris Humphries, Ted just mentioned the Kim K split in the Carol Ann Sausage blind vice and said there was nothing vicey about Kim K's split.

lns212 said...

I was gong to guess Joe Jonas until I saw he has a vice, but at the same time, it almost sounds like him. Think of all the hot starlets he's dated: Ashley Greene, Demi Lovato, Camilla Belle, ect. And we haven't heard much about his love life since the Ashley Split... just an idea

Anonymous said...

Alexander Skaarsgaard!! We already know he is into guys...

chibbs said...

I think this could be A-Rod (baseball player). He was famously linked to Madonna post-divorce and all the AIA's are linked in some way to the Brat-Pack days in the 80's which Madonna was also linked to via Sean Penn (Brat Pack = Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Demi Moore, Molly Ringwald, Rob Lowe...).
A-Rod has also dated Cameron Diaz and Kate Hudson. If you notice that when he dated Diaz and Hudson they started working out a lot and getting really buff/muscly bodies. Like Madonna who is SUPER muscular. He likes that "body type" and Cameron Diaz even joked about it once.

I think that relates to the Blind Vice line, "Only a guy who's into guys would go out with the women this guy's gone out with," bitched the Huskers hanger-on." I think what Ted is referring to here is that Diaz, Hudson, and Madonna have a very "masculine" body type.

Saleant said...

chibbs - well done - I'm sure it has to be sports or similar as the other arena.

Michelle said...

Arod and Jeter are not on TV though. We have to remember ted said they are on TV first and that they also do something else that isn't movies of music. So if its a sports person it has to be a reality star sports person (like Kris Humphreys, but I agree that I dont think its him like Elizabeth said). Or someone who does TV and Broadway or TV and dancing or TV and...

chibbs said...

@Michelle -- I was thinking that A-Rod fit because technically his baseball games are "on TV"....

Also, the "breathless" remark hints at the Madonna connection again because that was the name of one of her albums, as well as her character's name in Dick Tracy (I think)....

mrjack said...

Could be a model turned actor like Jason Lewis, Antonio Sabàto, Jr. or (in my dreams) Gilles Marini

sistah2 said...

I agree this must be AROD or Derek Jeter. Athlete also on TV who's had a recent breakup...these guys are on TV more often than actors.

EV said...

Athlete for sure! Really like the Derek Jeter guess. If this is Jeter than I am curious if that could mean Minka Kelly is a Blind vice star. ARod could fit too, but I just don't feel like this is him. We need to ask Ted if Bruce Huskers has ever been married or has kids because that could eliminate ARod & others.

Mena said...

I don't think it's A-Rod. Ted said that Brucey "tends to go for chicks even shallower than Ms. Bee-Stings—if you can believe that."

Whether one likes them or not, I don't think we can call Madonna, Kate Hudson or Cameron Diaz shallower than Blake Lively.

As to Derek Jeters... is Minka Kelly shallower than Blake Lively? Plus, I thought Derek Jeters and Minka Kelly are back together.

I like the Doug Reinhardt guess further up because really is there anyone shallower than Paris Hilton?

Lyn said...

The new mail today said that Brucey was married before and that the ex is a household name- not Derek Jeter then...

Anonymous said...

is Brucey Bradley Cooper? he was married briefly to Jennifer Esposito (aka Jackie on Blue Bloods)

my other guess was Ryan Reynolds (because he was married to ScarJo, but Ted C says that Brucey and Veronica Bee-Stings/Blake Lively haven't crossed paths and Brucey "goes for girls shallower than V", hmm a possible dig towards Aniston and JLo?)

Anonymous said...

re: pikespeak

I think he said that about Gosling. I've always gotten a bisexual vibe about him and his metrosexual dress sense is a main reason why.

Matthew Morrison is Lorin Sniffle-Puss, I think so that rules him out.

Rita said...

With today's answer about a previous marriage, this sounds so much like George Clooney... But apparently, he already has a moniker.

It also sounds like Colin Farrell. He was also married early on and divorced after only a few months. Don't know if he already has a moniker.

@Mookie - Bradley is already confirmed to have a blind, he's part of the superstar gallery.

Why is again that we're concentrating on athletes? Because of the Broadway comment?

Mena said...

Dear Ted: Ooooh this Blind Vice is tough. Any clue as to whether Brucey is TV, movies or music? —Elissa

Dear Not So Tough: TV and another category you're not even asking me about!
Based on Ted's reply above, it cannot be movie actors.

And one of the categories missing is sports.

In another reply, Ted also excluded Broadway.

Doesn't leave much to be a star in besides sports & reality t.v. or t.v. host or... anything other than Movie, Broadway or Singing.

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
august said...

What about Tony Parker? I thought about him because Ted's latest answer about Brucey Huskers is that his ex-wife is a "household" name. I thought of Desperate Housewives. says that Tony Parker has been in some TV series:

Cheryl said...

Kris Humphries? TV and sports, shallow women, and the vicey activity lines up with the rumors in the Carmelita BV.

Savannah said...

What about Rick Fox? He is a TV actor and ex professional basketball player. Divorced from Vanessa Williams and last I heard he was dating Eliza Dushku.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really getting an athlete vibe from this post. Ted isn't usually secretive when he's talking about an athlete - he's either downright obvious, or drops hints with works like "game" "ball" "player" etc.

If the person is in TV, but not movies or music, I think that eliminates a large number of guesses. Most actors have been in movies.

what about a male model? He seems to be fixated on how hot this guy is. someone like Gabriel Aubry or Marcus Shankenberg? Neither of those fit quite right, but maybe something along those lines. This one has me stumped.

Rita said...

@Mena - Thanks! So movie actors are out.

LMS was onto something when she said model (however Gabriel is very straight, and not that popular in the US, not photographed often either): in relation to the AIAs, Ashton Kutcher DID start out as a model!

So who was a model and now does TV, and is pictured with other hunky hollywood stars?

Leens said...

Ted just said in his bitch-back that athlete is on the right track. What super hot athlete hangs out with Tinseltown celebs?

sistah2 said...

Cmon this is ARod - his ex GF is household name, has been married before , fits all clues so far.

j1 said...

Leonardo Dicaprio?

Rita said...

Can't be ARod, Ted said in today's afternoon mail, that Brucey has LESS of a playboy rep than Jeter.

No one has a bigger rep of being a playboy (and a douchebag) than ARod!

KaDixonLaw said...

Reggie Bush is currently on the Miami Dolphins; he broke up with Kim Kartrashian; and he likely appeared on one of her numerous ridiculous shows when they were together. After their breakup, he began dating that Old Navy model who was a dead-ringer for KK. In fact, she even sued Old Navy over the unauthorized use of her image.

KaDixonLaw said...

Oh, nevermind... Forgot that it was an ex-wife and not just a girlfriend. This one is tough!!

Anonymous said...

A-Rod? Someone else in sports?

Anonymous said...

A-Rod? Someone else in sports?

blurry vice said...

Lots of mail this week on Brucey as you all prob know. Will update all the elims into the post this weekend.

blurry vice said...

Dear Ted:
Brucey Huskers has to be Ryan Gosling. I can't think of who else it could be. Even you have said that he still hasn't really moved on from Rachel McAdams and it has been mentioned that his current fling, Eva Mendes, might be a fauxmance.
—Dollie Hendrix

Dear Dollie Golly:
I said Ryan and Eva have their pr faux moments, but, for the most part, this romance is super real. So, Brucey so ain't Ryan.

Dear Ted:
Ooooh this Blind Vice is tough. Any clue as to whether Brucey is TV, movies or music?

Dear Not So Tough:
TV and another category you're not even asking me about!

Dear Ted:
It has to be asked: Has Brucey Huskers ever worked with Veronica Bee-Stings? Is she the type of vapid non-relationship girl he'd go for?

Dear Deep as the Shallow End:
Nope, Brucey and V haven't crossed paths yet. As for your second Q, B.H. tends to go for chicks even shallower than Ms. Bee-Stings—if you can believe that.

Dear Ted:
Has Brucey Huskers ever been featured on Broadway?

Dear Way Off:
Nope, dude has a whole different kind of skill set. He's not the Broadway type.

Dear Ted:
This may be too many questions for you to answer but please at least answer one. Has Brucey Huskers ever been married? Was he married to a famous person?

Dear Mrs. Huskers?
Yes, he's been married before and the former Mrs. is definitely a household name.

Dear Ted:
I think I'm normally good at figuring out who Vices are but I must admit I'm stumped about Brucey Huskers. You mentioned he had a claim to fame other than music, film, or Broadway. Might he be the athletic type? I've got it! Brucey is Derek Jeter! Gorgeous, definitely a manly body, and just broke up with Minka Kelly. Am I right (or even close)?
—Holly & Mike

Dear Hot and Cold:
Yes, babes, he just might be an athlete. But he's not Jeter, sorry! Not a horrible guess, but Brucey actually has less of a playboy rep."

blurry vice said...

So it's an athlete who also dabbles in TV. Reality show? I like the A-Rod guess but has he been on TV much, besides his baseball games?

I like the Reggie Bush and Kris Humphries guesses. They have both been featured on Kim Kar-trashian's reality shows, no?

Any other athletes who have been on reality shows? What about the athletes that the Hills chicks have dated? Dancing with the stars stints? Celeb rehab etc?

blurry vice said...

Just realized - mostlikely NOT A-Rod or Reggie Bush. Says he's been married before and the former MRS is a household name. A Rod's ex wife is not the household name. His Girlfriens have been not the wife. And reggie Bush was only dating Kim K not married to her.

Kris Humphries looking like a better choice.

sistah2 said...

OK so I misinterpreted Ted's answer: the exwife is famous - so it could not be AROD. His exwife is not well known.

Tyler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sistah2 said...

yes its a bit of a stretch, but keep in mind, Kris H is a bit of a gay mans dream, and in Teds eyes, he may just think Kris H is super hot. Also the Kardashians are very busy right now, feeding crappy negative info to all the tabloids and gossip columnists to make Kris H. look bad and Kimmy like a victim. Its possible that Ted is taking some naughty bait about KH directly from the Kardashians. If so, shame on Ted for falling for this crap, cuz he should know its probably false stuff being fed to him.

Tyler said...

Humphries seems a plausible, last man standing fit, BUT I just can't square Kris with Ted's description of Brucey:

"gorgeous star, hot, has a super-bitchin', manly body"

Not that Kris is unattractive or unknown, but isn't calling him a gorgeous star a bit of a stretch?

(sorry sistah2, I'm new to this and wanted to modify my comment but don't know how yet, so I deleted it to repost this new one. You're quick!)

Tyler said...

A few other things don't jibe with Kris Humphries either. Ted says Brucey:

"hangs with other equally luscious-lookin' Tinseltown celebrities"... "something he did before his latest sexy starlet romance"... "hooks up with Hollywood gals who are gorgeous"

Kris isn't known for hanging out with gorgeous Hollywood celebs, or for romancing a Hollywood starlet other than Kim to my knowledge.

All that said, I wish I could think of a better alternative, but I'm stumped.

CJ said...

I'm leaning heavily towards Tony Parker on this one.

Famous shallow ex? Yup. Eva Longoria is known as being very shallow.

Dated shallow women but not known for having a playboy rep? yup

Athlete and has been on TV? Yup.

Seen with Tinseltown and BV Stars? Yup (including Bradley Copper at the French Open)

Tyler said...

Ding Ding Ding, CJ I think you may have solved it.

I found a good resource for all notable celeb couples who have broken up since mid 2009, and Tony Parker seem like the best fit.

sistah2 said...

hate to disagree with you guys - but I dont think Tony P. Eva Longoria may seem shallow at first, but she really isnt - she is VERY involved with the special needs adult community in LA< and she has a special needs sister who she is very close to. She has been very public in her efforts to bring understanding and support to that community.
For that reason, she would not fit as being his shallow ex - so I would look elsewhere for this one.

Tyler said...

I just discovered that Tony Parker already has a Blind Vice moniker from Ted as Chester Shorts-off.

This one is really bugging me.

Crazypants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crazypants said...

Just throwing a name out here, but could it be Lance Armstrong? He has some a list friends and dated an Olsen after his marriage fell apart.

J said...

George Clooney

jpp said...

I think Rick Fox fits the bill perfectly. Used to play basketball for the Lakers. Is now mostly known for tv work. Was married to Vanessa Williams and has dated Sharon Stone, Kristin Davis, and Eliza Dushku but not linked for a couple of years to anyone. And I think "gorgeous star" and "super-bitchin', manly body" are objectively accurate in this case.

Rita said...

Oh I like Rick Fox! That is a great guess.

He did model also, and was on that long-term sitcom about three women friends... What was it? It was about African-Americans, and was produced by Kelsey Grammer.

PrincessTiff said...

What would Rick Fox's big hollywood split be? He and Vanessa Williams split years ago and he has been linked since, particularly with Eliza Dushku who, as far as I knew, they were still together.

Rita said...

*Meant to say African American Football players*

chibbs said...

I agree with PrincessTiff... I think Rick Fox is still together with Dushku. And I don't think the public would be "breathless" with anticipation for his next hook-up. I really think this is A-Rod:
- he and Cameron Diaz just split
- he has a "big manly body" and that line is a possible wink to his steroid scandal
- he dates really famous ladies that the public/tabloids are way into following
- he dates really muscly girls and they get MORE muscly while dating him
- The AIA's are very famous for: being a cheater(AK), married to Madonna(SP), being a drug addict(CS)
.... A-Rod is also famous for being a cheater, being linked to Madonna (they both divorced their partners and right away started dating eachother), and caused a huge scandal in baseball for abusing steroids. (Also, CS's movie "major league" -- about baseball -- was one of his most famous flicks).
The "huskers" and "chickers" lingo could be related to the fact that A-Rod played baseball in Texas for years before being traded to the NYY. I think it's A-Rod!

chibbs said...

No, I guess not in the "famous" sense -- but she could be a "household name" because her and A-Rod's divorce was so public and sorta nasty. She was labeled "C-Rod" for a while and there were rumors of her having a fling with Lenny Kravitz:

Maybe I'm reaching though. I agree it's a little bit of a stretch. But you just never know with Ted! "household name" is kind of murky. Someone should clarify if she's famous in her own right, or just through the public divorce with her famous husband.

Also, for whatever reason, some baseball fans call A-Rod "gayRod". Probably based in sports hate and not any real analysis of his sexual preferences though.

Tyler said...

A-Rod doesn't strike me as a 'gorgeous' or 'luscious' man, with a 'household name' ex, or as having both TV and sports careers. Am I being too realistic here, or does Ted likely have the hots for A-Rod and see things I don't? lol

PrincessTiff said...

I don't feel like there is any TV connection for A-Rod. I know some people want to make the connection of "well the baseball games are on TV" but I feel like that's quite a stretch plus I don't think Ted would have said as definitvely as he did that Brucey were on TV. (Not sure that last sentence made sense. Lol)

Rita said...

@Unknown - Feel the same way too. Also, Ted has stated a few days ago, when someone asked if it was Jeter, Ted said that Brucey has LESS of a playboy rep than Jeter.

From my point of view, A-Rod is the one with the biggest playboy (and douche) rep!

chibbs said...

I'm just going to make one more desperate attempt to throw A-Rod's name into the mix...

@Rita -- A-Rod might have hit the tabloids in the past couple of years, but make no mistake Jeter has a *huge* "playboy" reputation.
In 2004, ESPN said that Derek Jeter was the “biggest playboy in all of sports.” Jeter's dated: Mariah Carey, Jordana Brewster, Adriana Lima, Scarlett Johanssen, Vanessa Minillo-Lachey, Minka Kelley, Jessica Alba, Gabrielle Union, Jessica Biel... probably others! Phew! Long list!
So while A-Rod might be considered a playboy, Jeter definitely wins the "playboy" prize!

I'm probably still reaching, but I just wanted to make one final pitch! (Pun!) : )

Rita said...

^Well, you gave it your all Champ, and that's what really matters!

Hope Ted answers more in regards to this blind before the holidays.

Tyler said...

Today's (12/21/11) Morning Mail from Ted:

Dear Ted:

I am totally stumped by Brucey Huskers. I thought he might be an athlete, but now I don't know. Can you give any more clues?

Dear Some Sort of Baller:

I would lean toward your athlete hunch—you're definitely headed in the right direction.

sistah2 said...

Only problem is, Arods exwife is NOT a household name. Cant get around that.

Rita said...

@Dollie, congrats!

Ted answered a question on Tebow right after your Brucey one.

Does that mean we should be looking into Football?

PrincessTiff said...

But ARod doesn't really fit the ex-wife thing, either (in the household name sense). What about someone who has been featured on Basketball wives or some show like that.

Rita said...

Marc Sanchez?

Mena said...

Ahsley Cole who used to be married to Cheryl Cole? Cheryl is known from the girl-group Girls Aloud and from X-Factor (Brit version and that whole drama at the US version).

pikespeak said...

Not a bad guess, Mena, but would he even be on Ted's radar. And he's hardly gorgeous...and his tastes for men are HARDLY secret.

Even the British tabloids ran stories about that.

Tyler said...

@Dolly et al, I looked up 'baller' at the site and found this:


* someone who is really good at a ball game, especially basketball.


I also looked it up on and found this:


1. One who exhibits a consistent proficency at-, or exuberant love for the game of basketball.


Sooo.. do you think Ted dropped a hint as to the specific sport Brucey plays, or was he just trying to emphasize that Brucey is primarily known for sports as a ball player (verses TV)?

BTW, I was previously 'Unknown', and think/hope I figured out how to give myself a name.

Tyler said...

OK, I went back and re-read all the comments, and in light of today's possible reveal that Brucey is a basketball player, I am on board with commenter jpp's guess of Rick Fox.

Gorgeous - check

TV and Sports - check

Ex a household name - check

From Wikipedia - Rick Fox is a Canadian television actor and retired professional basketball player

(Unknown here.. hope my moniker shows up this time, lol)

Tyler said...

Yeah, with Eliza Dushku. Ted says he's:

"gone back to getting it on with guys (something he did before his latest sexy starlet romance), since his latest publicized romance went sour"

That's somewhat ambiguous to me. He doesn't say they broke up, just that the romance has gone sour, and they have been dating since 2009 so... just throwing it out there for consideration.

Rita said...

Count me also on the Rick Fox train. And he's definitely what I consider very hot, his ex-wife is truly a household name (starting from her days as a beauty queen who lost her crown for posing for Playboy).

Tyler said...

@Dollie, re: a connection between the AIAs and Rick. The AIAs were all cheaters at one time or another. Assuming Rick hasn't broken up with Eliza despite the romance fizzling and is now 'getting it on with guys', it would be a mirror image gay version of the circumstances that led up to the Ashton and Demi split, just to cite the most recent handy example.

The other potential hole in the Rick Fox theory is Ted's statement that the public would be breathless with anticipation for his next hook-up, as commenter chibbs pointed out. That could be attributed to both Ted's flair for the gossipy dramatic, and his desire not to be too obvious with the clues, causing people at least initially to consider other stars who have been consistently in the news more recently.

That said, I'm not trying to sell the Rick Fox theory as much as I am swayed in his direction because he's a perfect fit in most ways.

If you can think of another good question to ask Ted, please don't hesitate :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ted:
So, are Brucey Husker's athletic pursuits a thing of the past, or something he's still actively involved in?

Dear Active Athlete:
Husker's athletic pursuits are anything but a thing of the past.

So Brucey is a current player. That eliminates Rick Fox (though that was a fab guess). Am I reading too far into Teds comment, or does it sound like this person hasn't had a long athletic career? "Anything BUT a thing of the past" makes me think its someone just starting out. Kris Humphries is having some trouble getting his basketball career going, especially now that he's more famous for dating Kim than actually playing the game. I'm leaning back towards him for this, though I admit there's some holes there.

Tyler said...

LMS130, I just read that myself, and my jaw dropped. Based on Ted's story about Brucey and the hints he's given, I just can't believe it's any of the ball players of whatever sport we've already discussed, unless Ted has either greatly exaggerated or just plain made up some on the information he's provided. I'm back to where we started, knowing nothing and drawing a blank until we get more clues.

Tyler said...

Oh, and it can't be Kris because it was Kim who brought him to Hollywood and he returned his home in Minnesota just prior to her dumping him, which left no opportunity for romancing a string of sexy starlets.

Tyler said...

You know, I'd go back to Tony Parker in a heartbeat if he didn't already have the name Chester Shorts-Off, so I have to ask if it's possible that he's been incorrectly identified?

A-Rod seems the next best guess, but while I'll give him the 'manly body', with that Roman nose and Prince Charles ears (no offense), he's certainly not gorgeous/luscious in the classic sense. I also think calling his ex-wife a household name is a stretch. And then there's the 'baller' clue that Ted gave which applies almost exclusively to basketball players.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if we should limit ourselves to just basketball, even though it's what "baller" typically refers to. Ted named Jay Cutler Taller Baller and he's a football player. For all we know it could be tennis or golf or something obscure! I emailed ted today to see if we can get some hints on Brucey's sport. I also asked for updates on ARod and Kris Humphries, unrelated to this blind. I hope we get some new info because right now there's not much to go on! Frustrating!

blurry vice said...

"Dear Ted:
Since you haven't answered my question as to whether Brucey Huskers is an athlete, I've decided to move on (or back) to Portia Vajazzle. Is she currently

starring on a TV show?

Dear Yes and No:
Portia dabbles in the small-screen stuff, but it's hardly what she's known for. At least not these days.

Dear Ted:
I am totally stumped by Brucey Huskers. I thought he might be an athlete, but now I don't know. My free to a good home puppy, Daisy, is lying on my lap

wondering too. Can you give any more clues?

Dear Some Sort of Baller:
I would lean toward your athlete hunch—you're definitely headed in the right direction.

Dear Ted:
So are Brucey Husker's athletic pursuits a thing of the past, or something he's still actively involved in?

Dear Active Athlete:
Husker's athletic pursuits are anything but a thing of the past."

blurry vice said...

Tony Parker this is not... he already had a BV before this.

Rick Fox was a good guess but doesn't fit. Same with A-Rod.

Leaves Kris Humphries as my #1 guess.

Tyler said...
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Rita said...

Starting to agree with the Chris Humphries guess, and it does follow through on the Kim K's one, where Ted hinted that her hubby-to-be preferred men.

I also thought he already had a moniker.

Tyler said...
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Tyler said...

I agree Rita and blurry. I just wish I could find information about at least one other Hollywood starlet Kris has dated but there's nothing. His girlfriend prior to Kim is a nurse:

A-Rod is a perfect fit in that regard, having dated Madonna, Kate Hudson, and Cameron Diaz.

chibbs said...

I still really think this is ARod!! Apparently he's in Cabo right now with George Clooney, Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber.... "Brucey's hot. Brucey has a super-bitchin', manly body. Brucey hangs with other equally luscious-lookin' Tinseltown (and Blind Vice star) celebrities, who he's gotten mucho intimate with...."


Tyler said...

chibbs, almost from the moment I posted my last comment, I started coming around to the idea that A-Rod is Brucey. Some of the things Ted says about him are subjective and/or a stretch, but he's entitled to his views and I realize he can't be too obvious about a blind vice's identity.

Meggie said...

I really do not think this is Humphries! It doesn't fit at all. A-Rod is a much better guess.

lns212 said...

i'm starting to agree with the a-rod guess. i just read an article on people today about him apparently dating some female wrestler...which certainly seems to fit with "Only a guy who's into guys would go out with the women this guy's gone out with"

it's just the part about his former wife that throws me off

Anonymous said...

Mark Sanchez?

Tyler said...

@mookie - in Ted's Dec. 14 Afternoon Mail column, he said Brucey's "been married before and the former Mrs. is definitely a household name", so it can't be Mark.

sistah2 said...

I know we all want this to be AROD, but the fact is that, his former MRS. is definitley NOT a household name. So there you go.

Tyler said...

sistah2, that's a legit problem with the A-Rod theory yes, mainly because Ted doesn't just say Brucey's ex-wife is a household name, which I suppose was somewhat true around the time of their divorce, but to say she is 'definitely' a household name has the connotation that the same can still be said of her today, and that I have trouble with. Likewise, Kris Humphries is a good fit in many ways, but the total absence of a dating history with starlets other than Kim K is a legit problem with that theory.

chibbs said...

I agree about the ex-wife thing -- but I'm still hanging on to hope that Ted means she's a household name because she was linked to A-Rod and thus showed up in all the tabloids and papers during their divorce. Sometimes it's hard to know with Ted. I did send him a question yesterday about whether she's famous in her own right, or just famous because she's the ex-Mrs.Huskers, but I don't know if he'll ever clarify!!

chibbs said...

Also, for the AIA's and their link to A-Rod, what about this:

Ashton K was in a movie called "The Texas Rangers". A-Rod played baseball for years... on "The Texas Rangers"! Also, Ashton once tried to Punk A-Rod, but the show never aired because ARod was absolutely furious.

Sean Penn - Madonna. Also, he once famously hit Madonna with a baseball bat when they were married.

Charlie Sheen - Other than Platoon, I think his most famous movie was the "Major League" series.

I understand that these are kind of crazy links... but I'm really trying to get more of you folks on the A-Rod bandwagon Thanks for indulging me :p

Tyler said...

chibbs, I'm glad you questioned Ted and hope he answers you, because I think it's more than just a coincidence that after 140+ comments and counting into this discussion, no one has referred to A-Rod's ex by her actual NAME. I had to Google it to confirm what it is myself - Cynthia.

I appreciate you not giving up. I think most of us are out of ideas at this point.

Rita said...

Maybe Ted is throwing us a curve ball to detract us from guessing A Rod? Pun intended!

pikespeak said...

chibbs, if A-Rod is hanging with George, Cindy and her husband, that's all I need to hear. George isn't straight, and neither is Cindy and that husband of hers.

Nevertheless, even with Ted's vice, I'm still inclined to believe this is A-Rod

lns212 said...

what about tiger woods? i'd say elin became a household name after his scandal. he's on tv when his golf tournaments are happening. the AIAs were basically all cheaters, like him.

Tyler said...

Good guess Ins212, but Tiger cheated on Elin with sooo many women, I find it difficult to believe this blind is about him. And Ted really lays it on about how physically attractive and desirable Brucey is, but Tiger is more nerd than sex symbol. I will say that Elin Nordegren is truly, "definitely" a household name unlike Cynthia Rodriguez.

IDoTheRobot said...

David Justice. His ex wife is Hallie Berry.

Tyler said...

Robot, another good guess, but Justice is retired from sports and currently married, neither of which is true about Brucey.

Rita said...

AS per Ted's mail this morning, no moniker for Tiger.

keetz4 said...

A-Rod may be a good guess.......his photo shoot where he's humping a mirror image of himself was a little bizarre and gay if not hot. Jeter could also be a good guess.

But I think it may well be Gosling. I don't buy that he's straight. BTW someone upthread said it couldn't be him because he only does movies. Not true. Gosling started out in TV.

Tyler said...

keetz4, Brucey is primarily known for being an active player in the sports world, according to Ted's answers in his Mail questions columns. Scroll up and read blurry vice's recaps of them on December 27, 2011 11:59 AM.

PrincessTiff said...

FINALLY Ted notted A-Rod. Now we can end the ex-wife-household-name debate once and for all. Back to the drawing boards. :)

chibbs said...

Foiled! Totally shot down! Boooooo! I was so sure this was ARod! Back to the drawing board : ( This one is making me crazy!!!

Tyler said...

Dear Ted: Do any current Major League Baseball players have a Blind Vice moniker?

Dear Batter Up: Alex Rodriguez would probably be your best guess, huh? Or Derek Jeter maybe? But actually neither of these dudes have earned monikers.

Tyler said...

I find it somewhat interesting that Ted notted A-Rod and Jeter specifically, without actually answering the question "Do any current Major League Baseball players have a Blind Vice moniker?"

lns212 said...
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lns212 said...
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Angie said...

2 new theories

Shaquille O'Neal. I think his ex-wife Shaunie is on Basketball Wives, so I guess she could be a household name. But I'm not sure if he's still playing or if he's retired..

Tito Ortiz. He was on a season of Celebrity Apprentice. He was with that porn star and so to many, she would be a household name. But he's not a "baller".

Tyler said...

Shaquille is retired, and Tito is not a baller.

This blind is especially perplexing to me, because how can we all be failing to pinpoint someone so well known, good looking, sexy, and popular, with a series of sexy starlet romances and a household name ex-wife? It's like this person doesn't really exist, and yet he does. Frustrating to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I still think this could be Kris Humphries - especially since Ted hinted at it in Carmelita/Kim's vice. I found online that he once went on a date with Jon Huntsman's daughter Mary Anne. I wouldn't call her a starlet necessarily, but her and her sisters are getting a lot of attention during their father's campaign. I've been trying to get a question answered about him for awhile now with no luck.

Tyler said...

Dear Ted: Brucey Huskers has to be Derek Jeter, right? He's an athlete, he just had a high-pro breakup and you recently mentioned that Minka Kelly is both Derek's type and Jake Gyllenhaal's. Am I right?

Dear Swing and a Miss: Not a bad guess, A, but unlike Derek, we doubt B and his former babe will be reconciling anytime soon.


For those of us who follow Ted's Mail columns, this is just a repeat of the last Brucey question he answered. He sure is being cagey about this one - wonder why.

LMS130, anything's possible at this point I suppose, but so many things don't add up re: the Kris Humphries theory. Another discrepancy I recently thought of - Kim isn't his ex-wife yet. Separated yes, but still married.

Tyler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tyler said...

Dear Ted: I'm still stumped by Brucey Huskers. Has he publicly "dated" anyone since his split?

Dear Rebounded: Nope. Brucey is still single and probably not ready to mingle…well, not just yet at least.

lns212 said...


i sent that in last night...only there was a lot more to what I said that ted cut out. i asked if Brucey or his wife ever appeared on reality tv & that part got cut out..i'm convinced it's kris now.

Tyler said...

- Brucey Huskers is a gorgeous star
- Brucey hangs with other equally luscious-lookin' Tinseltown celebrities
- Brucey hooks up with Hollywood gals who are gorgeous
- Kris was unemployed with no contract at the time Ted wrote this blind
- Kris is still married to Kim

If Kris is Brucey, then Ted completely fabricated his 'resume' in my humble opinion.

blurry vice said...

(repeat elim)

Dear Ted:
Brucey Huskers has to be Derek Jeter, right? He's an athlete, he just had a high-pro breakup and you recently mentioned that Minka Kelly is both Derek's type and Jake Gyllenhaal's. Am I right?

Dear Swing and a Miss:
Not a bad guess, A, but unlike Derek, we doubt B and his former babe will be reconciling anytime soon.

Dear Ted:
I'm still stumped by Brucey Huskers. Has he publicly "dated" anyone since his split?

Dear Rebounded:
Nope. Brucey is still single and probably not ready to mingle…well, not just yet at least.

Tyler said...

Since this thread has pretty much come to a standstill, here's a list of the most famous sports divorces. A number are already eliminated either directly or indirectly by Ted, or for obvious reasons that disqualify them, but I wanted to provide as comprehensive a list as possible to work from. Those with more famous ex-wives are closer to the top.

Kobe Bryant & Vanessa Bryant (still married)
Kris Humphries & Kim Kardashian (still married)
Tiger Woods & Elin Nordegren Woods
Tony Parker & Eva Longoria
Deion Sanders & Pilar Biggers-Sanders
David Justice & Halle Berry
Rick Fox & Vanessa Williams
Dennis Rodman & Carmen Electra
Andre Agassi & Brooke Shields
Mike Tyson & Robin Givens
Lance Armstrong & Kristin Richard
Frank & Jamie McCourt
Greg Norman & Chris Evert
Alex Rodriguez & Cynthia Scurtis
Shaquille O'Neal & Shaunie O'Neal
Michael Jordan & Juanita Vanoy
Fred & Deborah Couples
Jeff Gordon & Brooke Sealey
Greg Norman & Laura Andrassy
Jason Kidd & Joumana Kidd
Landon Donovan & Bianca Kajlich
John Daly & three wives Dale Crafton, Bettye Fulford, Paulette Dean

Angie said...
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Angie said...

That's really helpful. Thanks. After reading your list, the more I think about it, the more I'm beginning to think that this is Tony Parker. Is it possible that the moniker that he is already associated with is incorrect? I've always gotten such a a gay vibe from him and I'm not sure why. And I can't stop thinking about that clue about the ex-Mrs being a household name and she is on that Housewives show. Thoughts?

Tyler said...

Tony Parker was my first guess too, until I realized that he is presumed to be Chester Shorts-Off and blind vicers only have one moniker at a time according to Ted. Tony still seems the overall best fit to me.

blurry vice said...

I still think this is Kris Humphries.

blurry vice said...

Remember this can NOT be Tony PArker because he was already have said to be a BV name and it hasn't been revealed yet. Please see our post "List of Ted's BV reveals" (see label at right) for a full list of who has already been said to be a BV.
