Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lainey - Drinks on the plane

And, another Lainey riddle, this one from Sept 10 -

Drinks on the plane

It’s an hour to fly from Toronto to New York. By the time you go up, it’s almost like you have to go down again.
But she was desperate, desperate for a drink. Even before take-off. Which was not allowed on this flight. She was told she’d have to wait. And she didn’t want to wait. Caused a stink about having to wait. Huffing and puffing, sweet features morphed into an off-putting bitch scowl. It was a scene. And she didn’t stop bitching until they put the first jack and coke in front of her once the seatbelt sign had been turned off.
That was followed by two more. Three jack and cokes on the flight.
So, maybe she’s afraid to fly. Maybe it was a terrible day. But with her history, and it wasn’t all that long ago, and the sh-tty influences she has around her, this is probably a concern, non?

Top suspects: Selena Gomez, Reese Witherspoon


blurry vice said...

A few guesses posted were for Selena Gomez. Hmm, sure. Not too many specific clues here though.

Brandy said...

The first person I thought of when I read this was Reece Witherspoon. She was in Toronto for TIFF. I think Lainey gave a big hint today. See below, specifically the sentence, " Her expressions will be exactly right."

From Lainey:

She did actually go to Washington in Legally Blonde 2, right? Red, White, and Blonde.

Pink, white, and blonde last night at a screening of The Good Lie in DC. Click here to read Joanna’s review of the film from TIFF. Reese Witherspoon is in campaign mode. And she likely will be for the next six months until Oscar, perhaps turning it on more now that Julianne Moore’s chances are looking stronger and stronger. If Amy Adams delivers in Big Eyes, or if Rosamund Pike gets people going in Gone Girl, Reese will have to bring it a lot harder than she did a few years ago for Walk The Line, though that might be interesting since she’s a producer on the film.

But Reese has lot working in her favour. Jim Toth, her husband, is a major player at CAA. And there’s that whole America’s Sweetheart fraud. She certainly knows how to play it – in every aspect. All the soundbites will be perfect. Her expressions will be exactly right. She will be gracious, generous, self-deprecating, cute, not threatening, relatable. I’m a mother of three! We go to church on Sundays! We love animals. I look great in florals.

This really was the perfect dress selection for DC. PERFECT. And Dior. She wore vintage Dior when she won her Oscar. It’s good luck for her.

Seer said...


Penny Lane said...

Feasible it's Reese, just not sold on the shitty influences - who would they be? Surely not Jim Toth being a high-powered and influential exec. I feel the term 'shitty' would more than likely be used for someone younger and less game-savvy than Reese...like Selena.

Cami said...
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Sarah said...

This isn't Reese Witherspoon. She flew from L.A.

Kakasparks said...

Selena Gomez flew from Toronto on Sep 6.

Her history... it wasn't that all that long ago
She went to rehab in Jan 2014.

the shitty influences she has around her
Justin Bieber, Cara Delevingne

Kamil said...

For some reason, I want to think this is Lea Michele. This is from one of her more recent blinds that can be about no one but Lea: ""She’s great at giving big smiles, pretending her personality is as sweet as her voice" So the "sweet features" could be Lainey riffing on that theme. And we know she can't stand Lea and wants to make sure everyone knows what a horrid ickle thing she really is.

The history, and not that long ago, bit could be referring to what happened with Cory, although much like with Reese, I have problems reconciling the bad influences part. And I have no idea if Lea's been in Toronto recently. I poked around google a bit to see if I could find out, but apparently I suck at that sort of thing, so I still have no idea if she's been in Toronto lately.

tl;dr Lea Michele?

Unknown said...


Dana said...

I think Selena Gomez seems to be the best fit for this one.

Sarah said...

I'm guessing Selena Gomez too. She was in town visiting Bieber around then, and she was in rehab fairly recently. Sounds about right. Lilo wasn't in Toronto. Gomez really fits.

Unknown said...

Okay from the clues huffing and puffing is from 3lil pigs and the wolf does it. Also I wonder if Desperate, Desperate is a clue. Anyone think of anyone that was in a fairytale movie or tv that involved a wolf or played a wolf themselves? I know Amanda Seyfried was in that Little Red Riding hood movie, or could this be someone from True Blood, Teen Wolf, Twilight ( in fact for some reason I thought of K stew).. Anyone with a wolf connection that was also on Despetate housewives?

blurry vice said...

Brooke -

Don't forget Reese Witherspoon was in that movie early in her career. I believe the movie was Red? Her character was based on Little Red Riding Hood. The guy who kidnaps her is supposed to be the big bad wolf. She is on her way to her grandmother's house. Not kidding, it was in the 90s, and it was great! Haven't seen it in a while... You may be on to something. Here we are back to Reese.

blurry vice said...

Correction, the movie title was "Freeway"! Kiefer Sutherland was the wolf. Classic!!!

MayDay said...

Ok so the sweet looks and the little red riding hood makes me think what about Amanda seyfried? Dunno if she was in Toronto or if lainey name checked Her that day. Also she recently did a magazine interview where she talked about being reliant on alcohol.
Dunno who negative influences are though...
