Bonus Blind! Studio Takes Revenge on Naughty Star!
Forget the old adage about hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. It's a bitter production studio that residents of Hollywood apparently need to watch out for!
Especially if you're a featured player from a glossy new pic and you directly oppose what the studio has told you to do on the press line. Look out, Blake Barbina, who was recently made to pay the price heavily for misspeaking to the media:
Blake, who has a pretty decent fan base, was told to only talk about the new movie Blake was busy promoting for Siren Pictures, Life After Teenage Lust. Siren was adamant that Barbina only talk about Lust, and not the many other projects Blake had in the works.
But, of course, what Hollywood actor thinks he or she can't do what he or she wants, especially if a large fandom is involved? That's right. Probably close to zero.
So, when doing press recently, B.B. went ahead and blabbed all about the other projects coming up, giving second-shrift to Lust. Siren was apoplectic.
So much so, they decided to release to the press some not so valiant activities of Blake's. And Barbina was shocked, to say the least—not to mention totally caught off guard, which had been Siren's precise intent.
In other words, Blake's personal life will never again be the same, but Siren's assured compliance with their stars in the press is now pretty much assured. For the time being, at least.
Way to go, Siren, it's like you've been taking lessons from Nikki Reed or something!
AND IT AINT: Nikki Reed, Zac Effron, Jennifer Lawrence
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Bonus Blind! Studio Takes Revenge on Naughty Star!
New BV from Ted on Monday April 9 -
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"Dear Ted:
My gut is telling me that Siren Pictures of the recent Blake Barbina Blind Vice is the same studio as Pinnacle Pictures of the Maribeth Bush Blind. How's my
gut doing?
Dear Trust Your Gut:
Both of those picture houses have a lot in common…including certain ways of handling stars who bite the hands that feeds them. But while Blake bent to the
will of Siren Pictures, Maribeth ended up scoring the giant paycheck she wanted. Sometimes being an H.B.I.C. pays…literally."
This is confusing. Blake can be male or female. Life After Teenage Lust sounds like American Reunion.
That's a good point. Ted didn't use any pronouns to describe Blake's gender in this post...
Just to get the guessing going, I've seen it said that it could be Lily Collins, who keeps talking about her future projects while doing press for Mirror, Mirror, but I haven't heard any dirty laundry aired for her (yet).
I thought this to be that Sean guy from American Pie... Sean William Scott!
I was also thinking of Sean William Scott, based on the name of the film which would seem to be a very obvious clue (too obvious?). And hasn't there been some gay rumours floating around about him recently?
And since the AIA's are all best known for appearing in big franchises, this would support the idea that Blake is also from a franchise like the American Pie. Also the AIA franchises are made by different big studios, i.e. Jennifer at Hunger Games (Lionsgate), Nikki at Twilight (Summit), Zac at High School Musical (Disney). So maybe this supports the idea that Siren is another big studio.
However, Sean's 10-15 years older than the AIA's, and doesn't appear to have anything else major in the works right now.
Also, "Siren Pictures" seems quite random if Ted means Universal. In another similar blind Ted talked about Pinnacle studios, with which he probably meant Summit (a synonym). So it'd make sense if "Siren" is also a clue.
But, if the name Ted's given for the glossy new pic is a bit of a red herring, maybe Taylor Kitsch? John Carter was also meant to become a big franchise, and Taylor has many other big projects out currently, like Battleship (by Universal). John Carter is from Disney Studios, who also produced Pirates of the Caribbean, which featured sirens...
Or Avengers (by Marvel/Disney)? Maybe Disney planted the whole RDJ/Himmm debacle? :D Other Avengers stars are Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth.
Another far-fetched connection for Siren could be Warner Bros, who own the Sire Records. They are behind Magic Mike (some teenage lust there I'm sure :) so maybe it could be e.g. Channing Tatum?
Rosamund Pike from Wrath of the Titans..? By Legendary Pictures (sirens are a legend too!), a Warner Bros subsidiary.
SWS and RDJ apparently have had vices before, but it seems they could be from the time before BV-names were given. So technically they could be available.
Definitely an American reunion star, dont know if male or female. Could be Sean William Scott, due to recent gay rumors in press. anyone else from AR getting bad press?
I really feel that Barry Banger-Wanger fits better for Sean William Scott. I read an article or two about how this movie might be a comeback for Tara Reid, but it also seems like Alyson Hannigan has the most going on career-wise to talk about, even if it isn't in movies.
I saw some guesses about this being about Breaking Dawn Part 2 - "Life After Teenage Lust." Makes sense to me, lol! I've read people are guessing Peter Fascinelli b/c of cheating stuff that came out on him. I don't really have an opinion on whether it's correct or not... Just thoughts to throw out there...
I don't think its SWS b/c he doesn't have any other projects he would talk about. Also What else has Peter F been talking about.
We have to think of ppl who #1 - have multiple projects on going and talked about one while promoting another and #2 - had soeme bad press come out about them recently.
Maybe Tara Reid (assuming she has other projects coming up). Why would she willingly leak details about her fake marriage to the press - meaning the studio did it and she didn't expect them to?
It is Sooo Breaking Dawn!! Who in American Reunion hasn't been served humble pie?
It is Sooo Breaking Dawn!! Who in American Reunion hasn't been served humble pie?
But are they already doing press for Breaking Dawn 2? It isn't in theaters until November. This reads to me like something that was just recently released. So maybe Breaking Dawn 1 (if that's what they call it)...
Peter Facinelli could be talking about Nurse Jackie, but what other projects does he have coming up?
I do like him for this, don't get me wrong, just trying to think it through.
Chris Klein from American Reunion called out producers in an interview w/Huff Post for not writing him, Mena S, and Tara R a part for American Wedding. I know it's not a "plug" but it could've pissed off the studio. He also talked about his alcohol problem.
Also, Shannon Elizabeth was plugging her new jewelry line the whole time she did press for AR. I haven't heard any really negative "personal" gossip about either of them lately, but the studio could have done something behind the scenes.
This one is easy. It is Kristen Stewart.
She was out doing some pub for Snow White and dogged on Twilight. The studio got upset and got her back into place by releasing some info.
Blake Barbina is Kristen Stewart.
I guess Pattinson instead. His other new movies conflict with the image that sells Twilight tickets. Someone tipped off photographers in Dec. and leaked the Katy Perry texting story. Siren is Summit. I think the other BV with Pinnacle is Paramount.
Kristen Stewart and Robert pattinson both have confirmed BVs from ages ago. This is definitely not either one of them.
I do wonder, a long shot it may be, if perhaps it is Josh Hutcherson?!?! He is always talking about his other projects and such and had that whole buying alcohol while under 21 and nose job drama out and about in the press. He sure didn't seem too pleased about that while being hounded and photographed! Long shot, I know, but for a nondescript gendered named I think it's not too shabby a guess!
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