Anyway, in her July 10 Intro where she discusses her traveling Faculty of Celebrity Studies, Rumer Est Immortalis, she throws in a little something. A very small thing which we sparks our interest.
Discussion topics include Tom, Katie, Scientology, Blind Riddles, the one we trusted who, as it turns out, can’t actually be trusted, and more. Students will be graded on participation and preparation. A basic understanding of smut principles and theory is recommended.
The one who we trusted who can't actually be trusted? One of my dear sisters (sistah2) thinks this is about Ted and his departure. I don't like that but she has a point. Thoughts?
Update 7/12: Lainey wrote a new riddle to expand on this (see separate post on 7/12). That riddle is believed to be about Jon Hamm.
Crap, I didn't interpret it that way. I hope not?
I did read on Ted's Twitter that his last 6 months had sucked. Also E's new website which just launched is terrible and difficult to navigate. I assumed that Ted was as unhappy with E as they were with him (accidental outing of Renner). How can he NOT do well without them?
I thought the same: It was about Ted.
Hope anyone attending her "school of gossip" would be able to tell us if true or false.
And pending information, right now I'm pissed that she is dissing Ted (no so) behind his back. It is because of Ted that I've started reading Lainey daily.
My first thought was Johnny Depp. She had respect for him for a long time and since a few months (at least) before the official split, you could see she was souring on him.
^Could this be a bit of the Mary Magdalene loose woman SNAFU? Because her story came right before one prostitute Jesus had saved, she went down in history as the whore???
Is it because of "Blind Riddles" came first, that whatever was afterwards we assumed was a Blind Riddler??
Hmmm, good guess Marcy!
I assumed it was Ted as well, especially since the rumor mill has been flying lately that he may have either falsely created blinds, or took false information from crazies who wrote in to him as fact- the well was running dry so to speak. If that is true, that explains the recent examples of backtracking and BV inconsistencies. I wish I was in Canada!
I read "Ted" too, and it pissed me off. Ted's the one who had the awesome TC scoop with Fey Oiled-Tush (which lined up creepily well, btw); also the stuff about Angelina J, which Lainey railed against.
She needs to clarify and not talk about Ted C. Hell, if anything, when you get fired it's because you're TOO right about something.
Lainey's new intro worries me:
"I apologise in advance for breaking your heart with my next blind riddle."
Agreed Michelle. I think we are about to get a Ted BV.
I've been reading Lainey a long time and it's not her style to make a blind about Ted. Usually it's about celebrity. I think you're doing some psychological projection on Lainey ;)
Agreed. I am waiting to see what we have coming.
Just off Ted's twitter that a lot went down, but that he "honestly decided to move on, it was time. That's actually 99 percent of the truth, I promise!".
I really don't think it's Lainey's style to write a Blind Riddle about Ted. Also, they both work for E!, and she'd consider it low-classy to shit on her employers like that. I think it's going to be about a popular (male) celebrity, someone like RyGos or RDJ, hence the "breaking [our] hearts" comment.
This nor the foreshadowing in today's intro isn't Ted - Its about a "cheater". Haven't analyzed it yet though to figure it out
Jon Hamm.
I just wanted to say I'm very very glad it's not Ted. Also glad that Lainey wouldn't rat him out.
She posted it hereé-blind-riddle
Just read the blind. It's CLEARLY Jon Hamm.
What's getting me is "and the reason to look the way she looks" - I feel it is someone older with lots of plastic surgery, trying to look young or being very skinny - Jon Hamm's girlfrind looks pretty normal. Although the "Yes, I’d say, and excitedly too! Art does not imitate life! He’s faithful! Well, no. He isn’t." makes me think him since Don Draper is a notorious cheater - Ahhhhhh
Damn you, Jon Hamm.
who's the co-star over 30, anyone from Bridesmaids or Mad Men that has also worked with him on a minor project?
Why Jon Hamm? I thought this was Brad Pitt for sure until I came over here to see what you guys thought.
She's defending Jon Hamm here:
I think Jon Hamm might be right, but it's sad!
I think it's Colin Firth
Co-star is Kristen Wiig
Never mind! Just read it again. Not Brad Pitt.
I definitely think it's Jon Hamm. His girlfriend has recently looked pretty Botoxed - I'm pretty sure Lainey has commented on it, and I know reviews for "Friends with Kids" mentioned how she couldn't move her face much.
Could the co-star be Kristen Wiig? They were both in Bridesmaids and have worked together on SNL.
OOHHHH the multiple SNL visits may have ben the minor projects - eek that fits
I think the "looks the way she looks" clue is her referring to how happy Jon Hamm's partner always looks with him. Lainey might be saying she looks blissful because she's mastered ignoring his cheating.
Antonio banderas
Tom Hanks <--- New Blind
Lainey says wife its a wife, she said partner so I think it has to be someone with a ong term "girlfriend" not a wife re Tom Hanks and Antonio, they both popped in to my head but I dismissed them based on that and that their roles haven't been Cheater roles
I doubt it's Tom Hanks. She says "partner" throughout the blind and Tom Hanks is married, that seems like a big clue to me. Also, Tom Hanks doesn't play cheaters; he plays Tom Hanks, so that clue doesn't fit. first thought was "who would I never believe cheated?" which brought me to Tom Hanks, but I don't see anything else applicable. Jon Hamm fits except for the reference about how his gf looks (I think she's stunning). If it's him, could the over 30 co-star be Kristen Wiig? SNL, Bridesmaids...
I say Antonio just because of the description of the woman plus there was a link from Lainey's article on jake g yesterday to Sarah from cinesnarks twitter which today says "those who where a mask can't be trusted" and links to Lainey's riddle
I just read the blind. Immediately I thought of Jon Hamm and Kristen Wiig. I also thought of something Lainey wrote recently wondering why she does not like Kristen as much as she does Tina Fey and Amy Poehler! I thought it odd, because everyone seems to LOVE Kristen these days after the success of Bridesmaids, and I thought she did too. Realizing it was a clue now. Heartbroken indeed - I love both of them, and Jon is in my Freebie Five, right at the top - sigh.... There are NO faithful straight men in the entertainment biz it would seem.
Jon Hamm. In her blog, do a search for "faithful". And she always talks about Jennifer overdoing the botox. Very sad.
Jon Hamm (so sad). As for "the way she looks", Lainey's mentioned Jessica Westfeldt messing with her face a couple of times.
See here:
And here:
On another note, I would disagree that Jon's partner does not look like she has had surgery. To me the cheekbones and nose don't seem real, maybe even chin implant but I am no expert. Can't wait to discuss more when the actual blind is posted!
There's no doubt in my mind this is Jon Hamm. If you need any proof go here:
Plus, see the hint she gave on the Smutty Tingles yesterday: "Why don’t I love Kristen Wiig as intensely the way I do Amy Poehler and Tina Fey? Will think on this and let you know soon (Cele|bitchy)". Source:
She did warn us that it was going to break our hearts.
Lainey just declared a couple days ago that she couldn't bring herself to like Kristen Wiig as much as Tina Fey or Amy Poehler and she said it in a way that stuck out like a sore thumb in the article. And I think she did that because she was setting it up for this blind item.
And Lainey has spent several articles commenting on Jon Hamm's girl, saying she's smart and so talented, she didn't understand the need for all that botox. This was back when she though Jon Hamm was a keeper. Now this item explains why she does what she does.
Ok ok lol I see everyone's points...Jon Hamm it is
Jon Ham. Lainey is always talking about how skinny and botoxed his partner Jennifer W is. VERY sad.
This isn't Ted, it's a new blind she just posted!!
Oh I just reread're all right.
I first thought Jon Hamm too...
I gotta say, it pretty much screams Jon Hamm, and it's also the first BI I've ever read that's legitimately bummed me out. Sucks.
It's not Ted, YAY! Aw, I never thought of Jon Hamm but it makes sense. That one really would be disappointing. And he fits with being universally liked.
Check out her last post about Hamm. I think this is a slam dunk:
And as others have pointed out, she made an interesting remark about Kristin Wiig just a couple days ago.
I think Lainey is silent on the Ted thing because of exactly what people have pointed out: she works for E!. I don't think she can go on her site and rail against him being fired...
Is it possible this could be Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick?
I agree so many signs point to Jon Hamm, but the blind really comes off like the guy is really considered by everyone as a loyal partner, like his reputation is squeaky clean family guy and to find out he isn't would affect his reputation the way Tiger's rep took a hit when the world found out truth about him. Does Jon Hamm have that kind of established rep? When someone says Jon Hamm, do you automatically think "loyal family guy, no way he would cheat"? Not saying he isn't, but just that he is not exactly known for being anything but Don Draper...Why would his cheating on his partner break the hearts of people or shock the nation?
I think its Johnny Depp and her keeping quiet about the whole thing may due to the fact that Johnny isnt/wasnt married, so it may affect her support payments.
And i dont think Lainey works for E! She works for an Entertainment show not a network.
colin firth?
She just eliminated Tom Hanks.
It's Jon Hamm.
He's not married, he has a PARTNER. A significant other. And I believe during one of the movie festivals (Sundance??), she covered how his gf, who is just pretty by Hollywood standards, was very clingy, and is trying hard to hold on to her man.
I think the comparison was with at-the-time Clooney's new squeeze, Stacy Keibler, and how independent she seemed to be.
@Hordac, I agree, Jennifer had at least botox and a nose job. The nose job might not be new, but the botox is.
Also, please remember that Lainey shits on a weekly basis on the Kardashians. You know, E!'s bread and butter. So this won't stop her from making fun or bashing Ted Casablanca, who quite obviously did not leave E! on the best of terms. Seeing how no one wished him luck. NO ONE connected to E! had; at all.
Not the nation, but LaineyGossip readers. We thought he was better than that.
@Unknown: Kevin Bacon is the first person I thought of too just because he has such a long term relationship and also, because when she mentioned "30-year-olds" it seemed like she was referring to younger women. A couple things made me doubt it though. Is Kevin Bacon really someone Lainey raves about a lot? Also, to say Kyra Sedgwick looks bad would be kind of harsh, since I think she is simply aging naturally and doesn't look plastic. I do think Jon Hamm has a squeaky clean rep, though. And even though he's not married, his relationship is pretty long term and was from before he was famous, so I think people give him credit for not trading up for some starlet the minute he got big.
Blind Item Lainey: I think Johnny Depp.
She does not work for E!. She works for an entertainment show on a network in Canada.
There you go, from Lainey, on June 21st:
"Oh Hamm. We still have you, don’t we? You won’t wrap your head in a thousand scarves and necklaces and prefer the company of Marilyn Manson over your family, will you?
Never ever once has there been a hint of it with Jon Hamm. Never once the suggestion that he steps out on her. They’ve been together forever, when he was struggling and now that he’s no longer struggling. It’s rare, totally. But it’s not impossible, right? Jon Hamm is saying it’s not impossible?"
Thus in today's blind her repeated apology for our probable disappointment.
Read this, now go back and read the blind again.
No need to remind you that the blind actually specifies partnership, and the one we thought was the love of his life, but never wife?
Then again, I'm quite sure you already know this seeing how you were thoughtful enough to read everyone else's guesses on this post beforehand.
Etalk which is a CTV show, is shown on the E! Network in Canada.
Jason Bateman? Such a terrible thought.
Yes, the new E! site looks and navigates terribly. What the hell were they thinking? Interested to see where/in what capacity Ted turns up next.
As Hez said so succinctly: it's CLEARLY Jon Hamm.
I didn't think being the other woman would be Kristen Wiig's bag. Another disappointment.
Guesses for the under 30's starts that Hamm has hit on and failed?
I'd guess Katrina Bowden from 30 Rock has probably been on the receiving end of a few of Hamm's passes.
And those of you who say Lainey doesn't work for the E! network, she absolutely *does*, albeit not in a direct relationship. As she herself would say, "Trust."
Anyone who doesn't believe Hez should read Lainey lately.
For the past 2 days, she had been beating down on RadarOnLine quite frantically. As you may know, ROL is a direct competitor with TMZ (which owns Too Fab, and is yet another promoter of all things Kardashian, same as E!)
She had been trying to discredit ROL desperately. Am I wrong or wasn't it ROL that broke the news with the Travolta debacle, getting first dibs on the men who are suing Travolta for harassment, while TMZ pretty much sided with Travolta's lawyer Marty Singer?
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