New Lainey riddle today -
Not pregnant but painkillers?
He recently had to pause on work obligations citing health reasons. But this superstar didn’t seem all that sick. That’s because the health reasons were related to his wife. She’s been keeping a surprisingly low profile the last few months. Which is unusual because, well, the wife is rather pap-friendly. The immediate speculation was pregnancy and bump-hiding. But there was no bump when she showed up at a major event so it definitely wasn’t pregnancy.
Apparently there’s a painkiller addiction going on. And that’s the reason he couldn’t make it that time. She had an episode and it was serious enough that he had to bail on work and help her out. Not a side of him we see very often – you know, putting her before him. Something she must have enjoyed, though probably for the wrong reasons. Still, she seems to be getting off on his attention. And that’s worrying for those around her too. She’s addicted to the pills and also addicted to his care.
Top suspects: Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel
I strongly suspect Jessica Biel/ JT
It's definitely them.
Definitely them.
Yes and remember there was the story Lainey wrote recently about... that Justin and Jessica were asking a doula at a party recently all about home birth? And that people were suspecting she was pregnant... then no bump at the Oscars.
I was thinking that the organization has been gifted with twitter name-dropping of Timberlake and his mocktress, but what do these celebutards gain, especially if they aren't in the family-way?
It may seem antithetical to be addicted to painkillers, and then consulting with a midwife for a 'natural' birth, but that perception of midwifery as completely 'drug-free' is mistaken.
"The majority of midwives earn bachelor’s degrees, then work as registered nurses and go back to school for a two- or three-year master’s degree program in midwifery, according to the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). The professional designation is C.N.M. for certified nurse-midwife; in Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey, it’s C.M. for certified midwife. C.N.M.s and C.M.s can prescribe drugs, including pain medication."
Most births under a midwife still occur in hospitals, with less than 2 percent taking place at home. The web site mentions they are happy to do home consultation, and home-visits.
From Lainey's post today: "As you can see from the shots of them on holiday, they look happy and, most importantly, they look healthy. She looks healthy. That’s good."
Yes, "she looks healthy. That's good." --- that's HINT.
@gridlockjaw.... yes we are well aware of the role of the Nurse Midwife. What exactly are you saying?
Lainey confirmed it's JT/Biel at an event I attended last week.
If you aren't going to quit, it's better to have a regular 'script service (note the irony). This means someone is keeping an eye on intake while hub is away, and the in-home consulting means there is less chance of someone forced to go street for their meds. The Nurse Midwife in-home consulting service and prescription writing would provide that 'safety-net' and monitor/manage the intake levels, pregnant or not.
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