Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chris Martin's Skinny Fashion It Girl?

While discussing Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's "conscious uncoupling" today, Lainey gives us a hidden blind riddle...

Gwyneth isn’t JLO. Gwyneth aims high. Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, and the leader singer of Coldplay? That’s all status right there. The side pieces she keeps hidden. Lawyers and showrunners are not out in the open. When it’s out in the open it has to be A Name. Why did I keep thinking Jake Gyllenhaal last night? Jake Gyllenhaal could certainly ease the sting from a fashion It Girl who’s skinnier than she is. She just… never expected he would fall in love. And that he wouldn’t be able to fall out of love even after he ended it.

Update: Lainey revealed on 3/28 that this is Alexa Chung.


blurry vice said...

OK, I think this is Alexa Chung. Skinny British TV personality and model supposedly.
My sisters were saying this is Kate Bosworth. Yes there are cheating rumors from a few years ago with her. But Lainey would NOT describe KB as a fashion it girl. No, don't see that.

blurry vice said...

Supposedly Chris and Alexa Chung were seen cuddling at a music festival last summer. She is very skinny.

duffgrl said...

I think Alexa Chung may have had an affair w a few other people? Will Arnett? Not sure but I think there was someone else famous

blurry vice said...

Well, she is single... so not affairs. Just dating married men I guess. Doesn't really matter if she dates others. She definitely was seen with Chris Martin.

Are we happily moving on from Kate Bosworth being a "fashion it girl"? As if!

Whitney said...

Lainey's Lifestyle article on Mindy Kaling's crop top says the following:

"This trend is showing up everywhere. And you’d think it’s only for fashion It Girls like, ahem, Alexa Chung."

My vote is for Chung.

JJ said...

Wasn't it rumored that Chris Martin had multiple affairs? He definitely had an affair with Kate Bosworth Lainey has talked about that before. Alexa Chung he was seen with on several occasions last year so my money is on her too. But more importantly apparently he is now seeing Kate Hudson as Lainey also hinted at!! Can you imagine those too?!?! He likes the bossy controlling type.

It's interested that Gwyenth's affairs are making all of the news and not Chris Martins which allegedly started way before any of Chris's affairs.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Thanks. You’ve convinced me it’s Alexa Chung, who was not even on my radar—sorry, I don’t follow fashion at all.

And Lainey pretty much came out with it at the bottom of this:

Unknown said...

I thought Kate Bosworth because I'm pretty sure that was a Lainey rumour in the past but now she said she's British. I'm having a hard time believe it's Alexa Chung because - who???

Katie said...

The Kate Bosworth fling happened but was like 5 years ago and I agree no way would Lainey call her an IT girl now.

Bet this is Alexa Chung that Chris fell in love with and maybe since then he's been bonking Kate Hudson.

I like how Lainey is so no nonsense with her blinds. They dont happen often but they are so obvious and I always believe them.

JJ said...

Well Lainey confirmed it this morning. Chris and Alexa

DowJules said...

It pretty much confirms Alexa Chung as the "other woman".

Also agree with @JJ, sexism is still wide and prosperous (or rather preposterous), for years there were reports on his cheating, flings and yes, Kate Bosworth was one of them and that is why she was frozen out of the Hollywood blonde-bitch elite.

Honestly, why the same detractors go from Gwyny the cold fish to Gwyny horny bed-hopper in 0 to 100 miles in under 5 seconds without seeing the irony is beyond understanding.

As to the Kate Hudson hint, I took it as Kate waiting in the wings to hit on Chris, as if that is her motto with her girlfriends' exes...

blurry vice said...

Yes, confirmed by Lainey here. LOL, this is exactly what I was saying. She would never refer to kate bosworth as any sort of it girl, fashion or not. I am glad this topic is put to rest. I didn't know of her either until I did a little research. Now we have a reveal -

JJ said...

Look at this blind riddle. Does anyone think it is Chris Martin and Kate Hudson?!?!?!

JJ said...

Never mind I guess Kate Hudson isn't married to Matthew Bellamy. I wonder who it is!

Michelle said...

new blind from Lainey today - not as obvious as her recent ones . . .

Kristin Wigs said...

Michelle, I saw that. I'm going with Ed Norton. Married a civilian, 1 kid, difficult rep, good actor, had high profile relationships (Courtney Love, Hayek)

blurry vice said...

chris martin updates

blurry vice said...

blurry vice said...

JJ - we do not read "blindgossip". They are fake.

Kristin - I did just post the April 3 riddle, sorry for the delay. Edward Norton is a great guess.

JJ said...

oh sorry didn't realize!!! I think Edward Norton seems to work. I'm very glad it isn't Matt Damon!1

JJ said...

Is this a hint that GOOP had an affair with her GOOP CEO?

Man her and Chris were busy. I can't keep up with all of the people they were messing around with

blurry vice said...

blurry vice said...

HA... I totally missed that Alexa Chung's book is titled "It"!
