Too "upper class" for talk
For a year now she’s been pitching a panel-style talk show about love and marriage, similar to The View or The Talk, partnering with popular parent and women’s lifestyle websites. Because of her high profile, she wasn’t expected to show up every day but often enough, like a few times a month, so that the audience would know that it was hers – the Barbara Walters of the group, you could say. The other women included a newlywed, a model-actress-mom in her 40s, a single, divorced woman in her 40s, and a woman in her early 60s.
Would you believe, though, that even with her popularity with the MiniVan Majority, no one was interested. The show was rejected, repeatedly, while other similar shows, featuring other personalities, got picked up, like Tyra Banks’s FABLife. The reason? Too “upper class”.
Interestingly enough, this happened before everything blew up. And now that it’s all blown up, and she has everyone’s sympathy, the show still isn’t getting any play…even though she could be an expert at talking about love and marriage right now. But is she willing to go there? It might change if she’s willing to talk about it. Would she talk about it? On camera? Probably not. Not for the sake of the children. But that doesn’t mean it’s not leverage – not only from a business perspective but when dealing with that idiot too.
Top suspect: Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Garner I am guessing. At first I thought she was describing Blake Lively until the "it all blew up". So JG. However, there has been so many divorces recently it would be someone else...
Definitely Jennifer Garner
I know, it just seems so obvious and easy. So many Ben and Jen blind riddles lately.
Not a blind, exactly, but Lainey keeps referencing Gone Girl and calling Jennifer G Amazing Amy and indicating that Ben is an idiot who got played. She's also mentioned that everyone was questioning the idea of Jen hiring a hot nanny. Is anyone else reading this to be that Jen was done and wanted out so therefore hired the hot nanny, knowing what he'd do and knowing she could use it to look extra good in the divorce?
There was a new blind on Friday - He Sprays Too
Justin Timberlake?
Justin Theroux FTW on the new blind.
Gwyneth Paltrow has been shopping a talk show around. She considers herself a lifestyle guru, with her Goop blog pushing outrageously priced t-shirts & seasonal wardrobes.
She is so clueless to think that she can draw an audience with her upper-crust, WASPy, persona which is in no way relatable. She who would not deign to mingle with the great unwashed (us). She is so ridiculous that even Martha Stewart (clutch your pearls) told her to go back to acting.
Blow up "conscious uncoupling" Chris Martin (although timing is off a bit). Coming out as a couple with Brad Falchuk (sp). They hooked up when she was on Glee. This was when both were married to others.
Confirmed today:
So…what does she do with this momentum? The Chicken Soup answer is to “focus on the children”, obviously. OK fine but what’s the real answer? Will the talk show be re-pitched? She actually seems to be busier than she’s been in a while. There are back to back projects. After having to endure life in his “shadow” Jennifer Garner is, arguably, more interesting now than she’s ever been before. This is definitely not an accident. It would be an insult to her to suggest it.
Sharon Osborne
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