On location influences
Serious actor with a more serious actor friend, even though their friendship isn’t as public as some of the others. No pictures, but still, their names will appear together on party reports, and it’s always the kind of parties that feature douchebags leering at young models. They’ve come together again on a new project, working away on location. While on location, away from the media, away from the paparazzi, one influences the other. Which would be fine, because that’s his lifestyle, famously it’s his lifestyle, but his friend happens to be married. And it’s not his wife he’s taking back to his hotel room every night. The side piece works at the casino and that’s probably not a good place to be around for someone with his history. You just replace one addiction with the other.
This isn’t the first time we’ve run into some out of bounds play with him though. All of us were wondering if he’d paused on his long term relationship a couple of years ago with another co-star. That ended up fading, he got married, and now…well… now he has a temporary waiting in bed for him until he gets to go home.
Top suspects:Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio
ok ok i just got caught up on this riddle, and according to the comments on the post below, y'all think this is about Tom Hardy and Tobey Maguire. Thank you people! I don't know much about Tom Hardy.
Leo and Tom Hardy. They are filming together in Calgary, Tom got engaged to Charlotte Riley in 2010 and then married to her last year. During this time Lainey openly speculated that they had broken up and he . He also has documented issues with drugs and alcohol (swapping one addiction for another).
Christian Bale. Also because Lainey alluded to his and Anne Hathaway's hooking up whilst filming Dark Knight Rises earlier in her daily posts.
I second the Leo/Tom Hardy guess. When I read this part it was definitely the way Lainey describes DiCaprio to me: "the kind of parties that feature douchebags leering at young modes" & "because that's his lifestyle, famously it's his lifestyle". Leo & Hardy both starred in Inception in 2010 and they've been photographed together at basketball games so they definitely hang out. Hardy was addicted in the past to alcohol & drugs. Charlotte Riley (his wife) was his co-star in Wuthering Heights (an affair with "another co-star" implies that he's with a co-star. Riley is his long term partner/wife co-star. I'm not sure who the other co-star is, the one he had a fling with that faded). Lainey definitely was surprised though when Hardy & Riley were married, it did seem like she'd thought they'd broken up. The movie he's filming with DiCaprio in Canada is certainly away from the media--it sounds like it takes place in the woods. I hope not because that sucks, but it sounds like it's probably him.
I agree with Ash. Definitely Tom Hardy and Leo. I think the co-star he had a fling with was Noomi Rapace. They were together quite a bit after filming together, which is why Lainey thought he broke up with Charlotte Riley.
Tom Hardy fo sho.
Yet Lainey alluded to LEO being BI, but so has there been stories about Hardy... Lord...
Yup, I have to agree to this probably being Tom Hardy (the married and cheating one) and Leo DiCaprio (the bad influence). Totally fits their profiles, life stories, and what Lainey has written about them.
Lainey snuck in a mini- blind in a post today: "Sundance has been emphasizing female filmmakers this year in partnership with Women In Film, and Monday’s brunch with Tomlin and Fonda was not the only standing-room-only event.
It’s going to take famous female faces getting out in front of media and the public and talking up diversity and women in film. Fonda emphasized the importance of ladies helping ladies by stressing the importance of fostering friendships with other women in the industry. This is SO IMPORTANT. There’s a certain female director, very successful, who wants nothing to do with supporting other women following in her wake for fear of upsetting “the boys” who (barely) tolerate her presence at their table. (Look through the list of attendees at events like this and think about whose very obvious name is never included and you’ll find her.) It’s going to take a community effort to begin fixing the gender imbalance in Hollywood, and it starts with acknowledging that there IS a female filmmaker community in the first place."
Any thoughts on who the female director is??
lynnep : Kathryne Bigelow ?
There was another mini blind posted today in the Smutty Shoutouts section:
"She’s an actress whose time has come, the performance of her career. Except… no one seems to be all that happy for her, and certainly not those who’ve worked with her, especially the actor who worked with her on this particular film. He keeps telling people that she’s that good because she’s actually that horrible – cold, mean, unforgiving, not generous. Which is why you hardly ever saw them promoting together. It was evident on the press circuit initially too… but the excuse then, or the one people kept giving her, was hormones. She was a bitch about her interview camera angles. She was constantly unpleasant, impatient, and dismissive. And this, apparently, is her natural state."
I'm thinking it's Rosamund Pike. Amy Dunne would definitely be the role of a lifetime, she's been working in film for ages but never really had a break through, the character of Amy is definitely mean, calculating, etc. Rosamund was pregnant for part of the filming and very pregnant during promotion, which would explain the "hormones" excuse and the fussiness about camera angles. Also there are actually very few pics of Ben and Rosamund together doing promotion, despite the very high profile of this movie.
And, "no one seems to be all that happy for her" could be a reference to the fact she was not included in the Vanity Fair Hollywood issue that Lainey posted about today. ALso the reference to "and the fussiness about camera angles" could be another reason VF didn't want to deal with her in a group photo shoot.
Lainey posted a new blind in her February 3, 2015 - Smutty Shoutouts!! My guess (as much as it pains me to say it)is Rosamund Pike.
Re: the stealth Blind....perhaps the reference to being a difficult interview was one of the embedded clues Lainey mentioned today?
Thanks... just getting caught up. Tom Hardy and Leo top suspects for this.
I don't think it is Tom Hardy. The mention of a casino tells me it is Ben Affleck. One time Lainey mentioned Leo helping to promote "Argo" and hinted that the two are friends even though they haven't been in a film together or been papped together.
Next Lainey blind is Johnny Depp and Amber Heard and Marilyn Manson as the disapproving friend, the flop being Mortdecai
Lainey just confirmed this as Tom Hardy and Leo. From the blog today: "Let me make a note though. Much of the interview takes place in an arts and crafts place in Calgary – somewhere he says Leonardo DiCaprio would never show up to. It’s interesting, Hardy’s comparison of fame, his level of it and Leo’s. And what he is and isn’t willing to compromise. Perhaps it’s also a statement though. Because Leo exploits his own fame in ways that make it a waste of time for him to go paint a mug in a crock shoppe. It’s not like models hang out there. That said, the benefit of Hardy’s position is that he can dip into that advantage of Leo’s whenever he wants. And he does."
Today she followed that up with a photo of Tom Hardy in a hot tub with a model at Leo's in LA. From the blog today: "So Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy have been working on The Revenant. And they’ve grown closer, hanging out together off set, even in LA when they’re on break.They work hard, you know?
They need their down time. No better down time than with a great view, in the hot tub."
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